The helm was passed from William MacNeill to his nephew, William M. Fitch, after World War 2. Machines were updated to the latest automated ones and more capacity was added to the dyehouse. Caledonian could now dye more poundage than before. Caledonian Dye Works continued to offer quality dyeing and color matches at affordable prices.
In 1968, Richard D. Fitch, William’s son, joined the business. As the years passed, Richard became the President. Under his command, Caledonian added the ability to use computerized color matching software. The business changed as more customers wanted package dyed yarns. Some of the Hussong/Walker/Davis skein dye machines gave way to add more package dye machines in different sizes. A lab was added to the plant to aid in color matching and to provide customers with small sampling jobs.
In 1996, Kimberly F. Livingston, Richard’s daughter, joined Caledonian Dye Works. Kimberly is the fourth generation of this family to work at Caledonian. Today, Caledonian continues to move forward with the times. Machines have been updated to the latest computerized ones on the market. Caledonian continues to dye in both Hussong/Walker/Davis skein dye machines and package dye machines. Many different types of fibers and fibers blends are dyed using the latest technologies in dyes and matching capabilities.